Our Team
We have a team of seasoned educational consultants and experienced management personnel well versed in the academic business at the primary and secondary levels. We depend on our highly competent and dedicated tutors whose sole aim is helping children achieve their academic goals. Our tutors have the ability, the intellect, the style and all that it takes to ‘connect’ to our students.

Team Tarich
Our Management:


Senior Tutor
Financial Administrator
11 Plus Co-ordinator


Senior Tutor
Compliance Officer


Senior Tutor
KS3/KS4 English Language & Literature Co-ordinator


Senior Tutor
Resource Manager
KS3/KS4 Maths & Science Co-ordinator


Senior Tutor
General Manager
KS1/KS2 Co-ordinator

Our dedicated team of Primary School Tutors, Secondary School Tutors and Office Administrators have helped to make Tarich Tuition Centres the Excellent Tuition Service Provider that it is today.
CEO’s Profile
Rev. Richard Otu is a very successful educational consultant with a huge and diverse wealth of education in the primary and secondary sectors. Over the years, he has developed an amazing aptitude for teaching, training and knowledge transfer. He has been a weekly guest on Loveworld Television (Sky588) for Brunch Education and Business Talk.
Educational Qualifications
Richard holds an MBA from the University of Hull, UK. He had earlier earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a Diploma in Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana’s foremost University of Education. Additionally, he has attended over 100 courses on teaching and learning Maths, English and Science for KS1 and KS2.
Classroom / Teaching Experience
Richard has taught in over 50 different schools in the UK since 2000, including Grammar; Mission; Private and Public Schools. He possess 11 years of classroom experience, teaching and managing maths and sports in primary schools. He has taught at various levels from Year one through to Year 11. Consequently, he has amassed a wealth of experience which he brings to bear on Tarich Tuition Centres.
Knowledge of National Curriculum / Educational Framework
Richard has successfully undertaken a series of training modules on the new framework for literacy and numeracy. He is able to navigate appropriate resources and plan a sequence of lessons pitched at the correct level to match the diverse range of ability and need. Richard uses the new framework to plan exciting and stimulating lessons which children enjoy. He also plans and undertakes school visits to enhance learning opportunities.
Working with Teachers / Parents
Richard wields great interpersonal and peoples skills and therefore has excellent relationships with his teaching staff, parents and carers. He is a good team member and leader, able to work very well with other adults. His personality creates a healthy environment for academic productivity. Nevertheless, Richard never takes any parent or tutor for granted.
Behavioural Management
Richard is able to work successfully in challenging and diverse contexts. He easily establishes appropriate behaviour routines and tackles inappropriate behaviour effectively, by using positive behaviour strategies and by following up persistent unsuitable behaviour. His methods lead to peaceful classroom environment in which children are able to work effectively.
Management Experience
Richard wields diverse management experience. For several years, he successfully managed Hans Shipping Services Ltd and Richco Tuition Centres, UK. Apart from Tarich Tuition, Richard owns and micro-manages Tarich Travel, Tours & Arts (TTA) and Intertrade Business Support Services (IBSS), a business consultancy firm in the UK. Richard is also the resident pastor of Sheepfold Chapel UK. He brings his vast managerial experience to bear on the management of Tarich Tuition Centre.